Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kale Salad

What is it? Some sort of curly, green, prehistoric leaf?

It seems like kale is becoming the "drug" of choice for health conscious foodies. Its rough and tough, its mean and it's really green. I'm not going to lie. When kale is eaten completely raw without anything added, it's a little like eating leaves off of a tree. In fact, it was and still is often used as a garnish on many plates and buffet tables. 

When you hear the word roughage, kale should probably come to mind. However, there are so many new and updated ways to make this leaf taste spectacular. Pinterest is just full of ideas. 

Kale is part of the cabbage family and is considered a "superfood". No, it can't fly. No it doesn't have laser vision. BUT, it is jam-packed with nutrients to help fight diseases and keep you living LONGER. Here are some of the benefits:                                                                                 

(Sources: National Institute of Health and WebMD)

- lowers your cholesterol (the bad kind) with its Omega-3 fatty acids. 
- It has protein and fiber (get those bowels movin')
- Folic acid 
- It has high levels of vitamin K, A, and C
- It is good for your eyes, protecting against cataracts
- potassium, calcium, iron, an zinc
- It has antioxidants which prevent cell damage and have been thought to fight cancer
- It is also low in calories, about 30 cals for 1 cup

Basically, you can eat a small amount of this and get an enormous amount of benefits. Great right? But how the heck do we make it tasty?

There are a number of ways. You can saute it, steam it, put it in smoothies, make kale chips in the oven, or try one of the more amazing salad combinations out there. I decided to take the salad route, and it was a fine decision. 

Another crazy thing about kale is that it gets more tender and more sweet when you MASSAGE the kale with your hands. The bitterness fades away. No candles or lavender oil needed...but definitely some olive oil. By bruising the leaves, their true flavors are released.

Now, a kale salad can have almost anything in it. I have seen avocado, peaches, apples, pears, quinoa, goat cheese, feta cheese, blue cheese. Make whatever you like, but I have a simple recipe with a lemon vinaigrette:

The recipe:

2-3 cups kale, chopped roughly
Dried cranberries
Dried cherries
Pumpkin seeds (green)
Pears (Barlett)
Olive oil

Juice of 1 lemon
zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp chopped onion/shallot
1 Tbsp sugar
4 Tbsp olive oil
4 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper to taste

The procedure:

1) Take kale and place into a large bowl, drizzle a small amount of olive oil onto kale and massage with hands. Smush, squeeze and rub with fingers. 
2) Rinse the kale with water and dry off with paper towels. Return to large bowl.
3) In a small bowl, combine ingredients for dressing, whisk vigorously and set aside for a few minutes  ( Even better for a few hours if you have time!)
4) Chop pear into small pieces and add to large kale bowl
5) Add desired amount of cranberries, cherries, nuts & seeds.
6) Take dressing and strain into the salad. I use a small strainer or sieve. 
7) Mix thoroughly and serve immediately

Optional: Add goat cheese or feta to make it even better!

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