Monday, January 27, 2014


It's 2014, and I have tried to write a cooking blog twice before. This time, it's here to stay. I want something bigger and better for my life, and it definitely is going to involve food. So, enjoy these recipes and rants that I absolutely love. Many are inspired from my favorite chefs and many are combinations of different recipes put together. Whatever it may be, I have one thing that I believe in very strongly. Food brings people together and food creates love. That is why my life revolves around it! I always tell my friends that I have a mental obsession with food. When I am eating breakfast, I am thinking about what I want for lunch and when I am having dinner, I think about what I want to have tomorrow. So lets talk turkey..and hundreds of other things... cooking, food, eating, restaurant and all the gastronomical elements  put together. I am Beth Kravitz, and welcome to my blog.

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